- Pre-grabado
- Costo: $10 (Incluye acceso completo al Exhibitors Hall)
- Créditos: 2
- Requerido para: Colegiados
- Último día para registro: 8/28/2020
- Pagos: Llama al (787) 753-0865 de 9am – 4pm, de lunes a viernes o llena la solicitud al final de la página.
- Haz clic en el botón de reproducir (“Play”) y presiona “Check-in”.
- Ver vídeo completo.
- Al final del vídeo contesta las siguientes preguntas.
- ¿Cuáles son las principales propiedades de FENIX?
- ¿Que significa FENIX NTM?
- ¿Qué características posee FENIX NTM BLOOM?
- ¿Que espesores tiene?
- ¿Cuantos colores?
Formica Group is a leading provider of branded, designed surfacing solutions for commercial and residential customers worldwide. As the world’s largest manufacturer of High Pressure Laminate (HPL), our international network of design, manufacturing, distribution and sales operations maintains the recognition of Formica® as a global brand.
The heritage and brand reputation of the Formica Group of companies has been founded on quality, service and innovative product lines. We have developed an unrivaled expertise that ensures products meet the needs of their applications — as well as market demands.
Working closely with architects, designers and developers, the company is strategically positioned to offer new products and surfacing solutions that complement current design trends. Our ongoing product design and development process underscores our commitment to innovation.
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