Colegio de diseñadores decoradores de interiores de Puerto Rico


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    • Público general: $20
  • Último día para registro: 8/28/2020
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Glenn International
The Bold Look of KOHLER

The Lighting Revolution

Recurso: Ignacio Díaz - Glenn International


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En esta charla se discutirá sobre el tema de la iluminación en general.
Se estarán presentando los conceptos de iluminación más importantes como CRI, LPW, CCT, etc…

Esto aplicado tanto para la iluminación interior como la exterior ya que ambas son importantes. Es un adiestramiento de como iluminar y lo importante de la calidad lumínica y uniformidad.

Ignacio Diaz

Ignacio Díaz

  • 30 + year career in the ENERGY Industry
  • Director of Sales & Marketing at Glenn International Inc.
  • Currently directs the three Divisions of Glenn International —
    Energy, Illumination, and Telecommunications
  • Passionate about energy efficiency and renewable energy sources, which he believes them to be essential towards the survival of the Region’s economy.
  • Electric Vehicle early adopter and promoter of technology and infrastructure needed to support Worldwide deployment.
  • BS Degree in Finance and MIS, with a minor in Psychology from Marquette University in Wisconsin.

Before joining Glenn International, Ignacio worked for IBM and NYNEX throughout several States in the USA.


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